Mostly applies to reviews: In articles where the majority of text is copied verbatim from another source as a chronicling efforts, author's own thoughts are to be bracketed [], italicized , and colored in. Example color: "color:#DA5B18" Lists are to be colored in: style="color:#8C71F8" Longer or standalone quotes are to italicized and colored in: style="color:#13916B" Standalone quotes should have no break with the related paragraph above them Links are to be colored in: When referring to media by its title or an approximation, italicize When a game has been remade yet retained the same title, indicate the year in brackets and italics to differentiate. Think of it as two unique games that share a name. Resident Evil 4 [2005] & Resident Evil 4 [2023] When a game has been released on multiple consoles with significant differences, incicate the system name in brackets and italics to differentiate. Felix the Cat [NES] When a game has been rereleased, ported, or remastered in a year and console different from its original release, indicate the year and system name in brackets and italics. Pikmin 2 2023 / Nintendo Switch version] In lists, spell out the full name of a console the first time, then abbreviate subsequently Puncutation inside "quotation marks," except for (parentheses). For the Intro Music page, song names are for now in single quotations and the game name is listed second. Separated by two en dashes: 'SONG NAME' -- GAME For a list of games where the game and console are always included (ie 2023 GOTY list), style like this: GAME || CONSOLE

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